Jessica has had a fascination for plastic since her studies. The colour variation is particularly important to her. That is why she recycles her own plastic on a small scale by type and by colour, to create her own raw material.
ReColored library
She has processed this raw material into her ReColored colour and material library. During her research, the process is just as important as the result. Continuously wanting to build on the material in order to be able to apply it in an innovative way. Experimenting with material, colour and technology always give new insights and results. Jessica enjoys working with other designers and the industry. Mutual sharing of knowledge and techniques encourages and inspires each other to increase the usability of circular plastics. Together it is possible to push the boundaries so that the use of aesthetic, sustainable plastics becomes our future!
• ReColored samples
Various experiments
Investigating various techniques, graphic prints and colour areas. During this art in residence with #schonstewijk, sharing artistic knowledge is paramount. The next project with @bureaubaggerman will be developing yarns from recycled plastic.
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