Renee Scheepers
Scheepers&Renee Experience Architecture gives insights into people's desires. We reveal what the people in your future building, construction project, park or public place long for. By listening and looking carefully, we offer leads to design the landscape, the building and the experience together.
We are working on places, on a small and large scale, that fit like a glove. Places that surprise you, embrace you, make you happier and even healthier. Places in which life is the starting point. We are looking for investors, project developers, urban planners, architects and landscape architects who share this vision who want to (re) develop a new part of the city together.
• Scheepers&Renee, Victoria Park
The Future Victoria Park
In the heart of Eindhoven, a part of the city will be transformed into a park. The river Gender, which still flows underneath the area, will be raised and is central to the plans. To investigate what Victoria Park should look like according to the city and local residents, we invited passengers-by to take an imaginary look at the future park. A box full of desires served as the opening sentence for 152 conversations that took place in the street.
The project created momentum for the arrival and development of this public oasis in the middle of the city. The ideas, future visions, daily needs and stories of neighbourhood and city residents were placed alongside hard facts, like visitor numbers and opening hours, to map the challenges and possibilities of park design. In this way, it provided direct input for the drawing board: tangible ideas and opportunities for the future Victoria Park.
The landscape architect (West 8) is working hard at the design. But what really interests us is what next..? How can we make sure that the research has an applied impact? This is what we shall be focusing on in the coming months, keep an eye on our website for new projects in the making or be in touch!
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